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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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The American Kennel Club

Protecting your rights AKC Government Relations Department (GR) leads advocacy and legal efforts to protect the rights of all dog owners, promote the responsible ownership of the dog, and to ensure that dog ownership and reproductive laws are reasonable, enforceable…

George RR Martin is a scientific paper fellow

Its fans though A song of ice and fire Still hankering for the long-delayed next book in the series, the bestselling sci-fi/fantasy author George RR Martin Instead added a separate item to his long list of publications: a peer-reviewed physics…

5 Physics Equations Everyone Should Know

All the technology we depend on, from cars to smartphones, was engineered Using physics. You don’t need to know science to use these things. But a good person should understand at least some basic concepts—as well as some music, art,…

Trump wants a war with the cartels — and just might get one

This raises fundamental questions. “If they’re going to designate traffickers as narco-terrorists, are they going to include Americans who are part of these networks? Because we’re not just talking about the famous drug cartels, we’re also talking about trafficking networks,…

The Trump Cryptorenaissance is here

The wheels of Donald Trump’s plan to turn the United States have already begun to turn.The crypto capital of the planetAfter returning to the White House. in a executive order Signed Thursday, Trump established a “Working Group on Digital Asset…