Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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13 fun dog expression and what they really think

Shutterstock Dogs have a way to make us laugh without even trying. Their expressions, from complete confusion to absolute joy, often reveal what is going on in their minds – or at least forcing us to think about what they…

13 Weird ways dogs try to comfort you when you are sad

Shutterstock Dogs are famous for their loyalty, but how they comfort their people when they are felt, it can often be strange, amazing and free. These sympathetic animals understand when something goes wrong and even though their activities are not…

13 dogs that live like a whole life puppy

Shutterstock Some dogs never seem to be bigger. Although most puppies are eventually fixed in quiet youth, some breeds keep their sports power, curiosity and foolishness for life. These forever-yang puppies are always interested for fun, bursting with enthusiasm and…