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9 dogs they work when they secretly try to encourage you


If something goes wrong, the dogs have almost supernatural ability to understand. You may think that you are keeping your own bad mood to yourself but your puppy knows. The way your posture changes, how you breathe more than usual or suddenly you are watching a sad movie in sweat. Whatever the clue, your dog goes up the top – and they don’t approve. When their secret missions begin: encouraged the operation. Dogs have a special way to lift your spirits, even if they don’t always mean.

Bringing you their favorite toys


If your dog suddenly drops their favorite stuffed creature or slopberry tennis ball to your feet, they are not just trying to start a game – they’re trying to help you. The dogs connect their toys with happiness and in their mind, if a quick toy makes them feel better, it will definitely work on you too. Some dogs will push their toy towards you, while others will put it in your lap dramatically so that they are leaving the final. They may not know exactly what is wrong, but they are sure that a game of tog-off-war is a solution.

Giving you intensely “Are you okay?” Look


You know the look. Where your dog sits silently from you, looking at your soul as they advise you life. When you’re feeling sad, your dog may park right in front of you and simply see. They are analyzing your face, reading your emotions and probably thinking, can I lick them? Or do I just look up? Some dogs even shake their heads, as if they were trying to understand what’s going on. This is the way to check them in, if you need to confirm that they know exactly there.

Becoming your shadow


When you feel frustrated, have you ever noticed that your dog has begun to follow you everywhere? In the couch, in the kitchen, even in the bathroom? It’s not just drawn – it’s worrying. Dogs are with their people like Velkro when they realize that something goes wrong, ensures that you are never alone alone for a long time. They probably feel comfortable in their presence (and let’s tell the truth, they’re okay). They rush to your side or emphasize to rest your head in your lap, they are on the full -time sensitive support tariff.

Start random


Suddenly, the unexpected case of Jumiz does not spread you faster than any fun. Some dogs, sorrowful of their owner, will spread to the entire speed sprints around the house, throwing some dramatic spin for additional entertainment prices. They are walking from house to house or performing a stubborn acrobatic routine on the couch, clear their goal: smile to you. And it usually works. Because let’s become real – a dog’s sprint is smiling at excited circles without any reason.

Offers a stomach for rubbing

Mid -journey

Dogs know that abdominal rubs make them feel better, so when they realize that you are upset, some will immediately fall on their backs in the dramatic display of weakness. Although it looks like an invitation to comfort them, they are comforting you. Dogs are experts of sensitive manipher and they know that you cannot prevent them with a stomach scratch. Before you know it, you are rubbing their stomach, their tail hanging, and – just like that – you feel a bit better.

Bringing you the most random object


Sometimes, a dog’s attempt to encourage you … confusing. Instead of their ordinary toy, they can proudly drop a socks, a leaf from the outside, or even a mysterious piece of paper on your lap. They are not sure what will make you happy, so they just brought you something – something, the truth – hope that it helps. It is like their own version of their “your thoughts” gift, even if the idea of ​​their gift is somewhat questionable.

Dramatically lick your face


If you are crying, some dogs will immediately take steps to solve them: put your whole face on the Slobberry kiss. They don’t worry about the private space or whether you want the dog’s tongue on your nose – they are fixing it. Some dogs, even if they see their owner crying, lick with the intensity that they are almost terrified that they are almost trying to physically remove grief from your mouth. Whether you like it or not, their target is authentic: make sure you are okay, even if it means it forces you to smile mid-sup.

You sit on you like a chair


When it is suspected, some dogs resort to the most direct way of encouraging you: Physically smiling you. It is a small dog that is crushed in your lap or too much old dog is drawing yourself on your body, they are making it very clean: I’m here. You can’t ignore me. They can shake into you, put your head in your chest, or simply jump on you like a hairy-united blanket directly on top of you. This is the way you want to ground and provide instant comfort – you want it or not.


Dogs have incredible ability to understand the emotions and sometimes when they disappoint you, they will start to hang their tail like crazy – even if nothing happens. It is almost such that they are trying to send you pure happiness through free tail power. They will shake their whole body, throw their tail on the floor, or wag even while maintaining eye contact, as they say, “See? I am happy. You can be happy too!” And really? It is hard to get a smile when someone is excited to see you.

The final mood booster

Mid -journey

The number one priority of your dog – carries the food – you. They don’t just love you; They constantly keep an eye on you, confirm that you are okay, even if it means completely ridiculous. They have their unique ways to encourage you. They felt your emotions and react to your mood and sometimes their antiques you need is right. So the next time your dog is feeling frustrated, the fool does something, just remember – they’re not strange. They are the best, most loyal friends you can ever seek.

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