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15 The odd thing is the dog panic (it doesn’t give us any meaning!)


Dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence and ties with their human companions, but sometimes their fear can shake our heads. Some dogs are afraid of ordinary things like loud noise or thunderstorms, others are apparently terrified of innocent or perfect odd objects. It is wondering how daily items or situations can trigger the intense fear among our elderly friends. Here are some unusual things that are scared of dogs, thinking that these perfect innocent things can cause this national panic.

Hair dryer


Dogs are often terrified by the hairdiers and this reaction can completely turn the worldly grooming session into a war. Loud sound, hot air and abnormal speed can be overwhelming to a dog. Although people can only see the hairdresser as another daily tool, the dogs make it uncomfortable or surprised. Some varieties are more sensitive to high-pitched words, which can explain why the sound of the hair dryer persuades the panic.



Balloons are another source of fearless fear for some dogs. They are colorful, they are floating, and they seem innocent, but many dogs will tremble or escape when a balloon is around. When the word a balloon is pop it is undoubtedly loud but some dogs are terrified before that moment. It can be the unpredictability of the balloon movement or the way it can be transferred in the air.



Dish Washer seems like the most innocent tools in the house, yet many dogs develop their deep fear. When the dishwasher opens, it can trigger anxiety in some dogs even if it opens the words or plates are loaded or unloaded. Mechanical words combined with the possibilities of water splashing can create an experience that is worrying for many dogs. It is a household thing that seems innocent to us but it is like a strange, noise and unexpected machine to a dog.



For some dogs, the lawn is the final Nemesis. The fast roar and the rapid motion of the mawar may think that they are threatened by a large, growing animal. Although people realize that the mawa simply helps keep the courtyard neat, the dogs cannot see it that way. The loud noise of the glass and its rapid, broom movement seems like a hunter in their region.



A well -known source of fear for many dogs, especially during the fourth or New Year celebration of the fireworks, loudly and light flashes. Suddenly, unexpected words, often print the senses of a dog with bright light. Some dogs are even known to try and hide, the fireworks are shocked when the fireworks are stopped. Especially the misleading thing is that these dogs have no idea why this loud explod is happening, it makes them even more terrifying.



Dogs can be strangely scared of treadmills, a seemingly innocent piece of fitness tools. The continuous speed of the treadmill belt and the machine’s ham may seem like an unusual and terrifying object to the dog. Walking under their feet may make them feel unstable or disillusioned, their fears triggers the response. Especially the wonderful thing is that some dogs can avoid treadmills even when they are not turned on, their fears are only tied to the concept of movement than the words.

Vacuum cleaner


For many dogs, vacuum cleaner is a horrible, noise beast that is impossible to ignore. Once the vacuum is turned on, the dogs are often hidden or hidden, perhaps because of the strange noise of the room and the strange, running object. The unpredictability of the vacuum and its size may seem like a threat animal. Although it does not hurt, it is enough to send many dogs into a frenzy.



Another household item that panic a lot of dogs is a broom. When we use it to clean it, dogs often see it as a threat object. The bridge of the broom and it can be terrifying the word swissing, especially when it is used to sweep the floors. Some dogs react to the broom as if it was a dangerous hunter, causing them to jump, jump back or even escape.

Water sprayer


Water sprayed words and sensations from the bottle or hose can send some dogs in panic. Dogs who are afraid of water sprayer often react to it as it attacks, even if they otherwise enjoy being in the water. It may be the unexpected explosion of the water or the way it is directed to them but for some dogs it triggers the fight-or-air reaction. Surprisingly, these dogs can be perfectly good with swimming or bathing, yet they associate sprayer with discomfort or crisis.



Many dogs see strange reactions about their image in the mirror. Although some can only ignore it, others will give bark, punish in the mirror, or even look back at them. The idea of ​​a reflection can be worrying for the dog because they do not understand the idea of ​​mirrors. To them it is only present in another dog, causing some to feel nervous or protective.

Ice cream truck


The sound of ice cream truck can make some dogs crazy for fear. Sudden presence of high-pitched music and truck can cause anxiety in some dogs, though it is a innocent, fun vehicle. Dogs can attach the word to the arrival of a stranger or something new, which manages to work on their instinct. Although people associate ice cream trucks with treats and good time, dogs often respond with a common feeling of blow, passing and discomfort.



Rumba or robotic vacuum, a strange little device that terrified many dogs. Its unexpected movement, rotating noise and small size make it feel like a home intrusion. Dogs can respond to sprinkling or even trying to chase, but Rumba’s uninterrupted behavior often distracts them. It is interesting that some of the dogs designed to clean without human intervention can feel so uncomfortable.

Plastic bag


The fear of the dogs of plastic bags is an odd but common occurrence. Plastic crushing sound can make a dog out, even if the bag is simply carried or folded. Many dogs respond to the view or sound of plastic bags by trying to hide or hide. Perhaps the word in the bag reminds them of something else – perhaps they were a worrying experience that they were in the past.



The umbrella is another item that sends many dogs to panic. The opening and closing of the umbrella may seem like a sudden and threatened movement to the dog. The larger size and unexpected of the umbrella appear like the giants that arise from anywhere. Some dogs may try to escape or try to bark in the umbrella because it is probably due to the strange sound and speed as it opens.

Food processor


Food processors, mixers or similar kitchen tools that make high-pitchd, the sounds of the whirlwind are the source of fear for many dogs. These tools often look like they are not out of anywhere, turn unexpectedly and make vibration and loud noise. For some dogs, loud noise and unexpected operation triggers the response to an intense aircraft. Although we can associate them with food preparation, dogs see them as an ominous machine that creates stress or discomfort.

The most strange thing that shakes the dog in fear

Mid -journey

The dogs are surprised and their irrational fear is no exception. Their fun and strange reactions to everyday objects highlight how sensitive they are to the world around them. Although they are afraid of innocent things, it may be surprised that it acts as a reminder of how low their unique views understand. So, the next time your dog will be afraid to see something unexpected, hug the kirks that make them so special. These strange fears simply add to their charm, they make them even more loving.

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