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13 large dog breeds that are amazingly gentle with cats


Big dogs often get a bad rap to show a lot of fear, especially around small animals like cats. However, some varieties may be more likely to chase or show dominant behavior, but many large dog breeds are amazingly gentle and affectionate with their crooked companions. These dogs are commonly known for their calm behavior, patience and adaptable. If you are a fifth cat boyfriend for big dogs, you may be surprised to see how well these varieties do with your crooked friends.



Great Dens is often referred to as “gentle giants” and this Monika holds when they come to their interaction with cats. Despite the size of their imposed, these dogs are usually quiet and patient, with a stone -to -mood that makes them easier around other organisms. Great dens tends to be very tolerant and respectful towards cats, often showing no aggressive tendency. Their calm and friendly nature, in combination with their powerful protective instinct, makes them the ideal companion for multi-dressed families.



Newfoundlands, with their large frames and sweet personalities, is another example of a breed that is amazingly gentle with cats. These dogs are familiar with other animals, especially for their loving and easier nature. Despite their size, the Newfoundlands often focus more on being affectionate and calm, which they force for domination or for the serpent. They are extremely patient and gentle with small animals like cats, making both their dogs and crooked a great choice for the family. Their natural nurturing instincts make special attention to their companions regardless of their size.

Irish Wolfhound


Although they look awesome, Irish Wolfhounds are known for their amazingly gentle nature, especially when it comes to other animals like cats. These dogs are a cool -behaved gentle giant and shining through their relationship with their loyalty and patient companions. They are usually quite behind, often accepting “live and live” aspects to other pets in the family. Irish Wolfhounds are not leaning towards chasing cats or being overly exciting, making them perfect for home with both dogs and cats.



Mastifs are often considered as one of the protective varieties, but they are incredibly gentle and affectionate, especially to other animals in the family. Despite their huge shapes and muscular buildings, the mastifs are quiet and patient and they can create a bond with cats. They tend to be tolerant of other pets and do not see cats as victims. Mastifas are known for their intriguing nature, which makes them great companion for crooked friends who praise a stone dog that will not infiltrate their space.

Berniz Mountain Doug


The Berniz Mountain Doug is a large breed with a quiet and gentle nature that makes them extremely consistent with their cats. These dogs are known for their friendly and affectionate nature and they are very patient with other pets. Berniz Mountain Dogs are often seen at home and outside, with their crooked companions happy to share places with joy. Their gentle behavior and powerful instinct to protect their families and care make them a great choice for a family so that both big dogs and cats include both.



Boxers are strong and intriguing, but they also have amazingly gentle aspects in conversation with cats. Despite their unlimited strength, boxers are usually very tolerant of cats and have a affectionate nature. Although they may be involved in some intriguing rough housing, they rarely show aggression towards small animals. Boxers are extremely social dogs and they often bond with other family pets. Their love in harmonizing with their protective instincts makes them great sports for their cats who enjoy a bit of fun and affection for their cats.

St. Bernard


St. Bernard’s is known for their calm and affectionate personality, which makes them great companion for their cats. This large, noble dog has a gentle nature despite having the ability to protect and serve in more demanding situations. St. Bernard is usually very tolerant and patient with cats, allowing them to sharing families peacefully. Their simple nature and lack of aggression towards small animals make them ideal candidates for families who both want a large dog and peaceful relationship between their pets.

Golden retriever


Golden retriever is known for their friendly and tolerant nature, creating a variety of best dogs around their cats. They are patient, loving and usually very gentle with other animals. The Golden Retrivas tend to be extremely social and enjoy the formation of bonds regardless of their species with all the family members. Their calm behavior and friendly disposition make them easy to train and manage, which helps ensure peaceful interaction with cats. The Golden Retrivers are patient and kind, make their top choice for their multi-stomat family.

Labrador recovery


Like the Golden Retrivers, Labrador recovers are often known for their union and friendly nature. These dogs are usually very gentle, quiet and satisfied, making them great companion for their cats. Labradors are usually not at risk of showing aggression or aggression towards small animals, and they enjoy co -operation with other pets. Their patients and affectionate behavior make them ideal for families with both dogs and cats, as they can create strong bonds with figins and often enjoy each other organization.



Alaskan malamuts are large, powerful dogs that were originally descendants for strength and patience. Despite their size and strength, malamuts are very gentle and patient with other animals, including cats. They are not usually aggressive and are known to be amazingly tolerant of their crooked companions. Their quiet and simpler nature allows them to coexist peacefully with cats, making them a great choice for families, including both big dogs and small animals. They are more interested in socialization and conversation with family members than they are usually chasing cats, even though they have strong victim drives.



Callies are big dogs with a cool and gentle mood and they often make a strong bond with their crooked housekeepers. These dogs are well known for their intelligence and training and they are usually very gentle with other animals, including cats. Callies are extremely defensive for their family and tend to be affectionate and careful to all family members. Their laid-back nature and the ability to adapt to different environments makes them great companion for families with both dogs and cats.

Durban Pinsor


Although Dobermen are often considered as severe protector, they are incredibly affectionate and gentle with their family pets, including cats. These dogs are known for their loyalty and intelligence and they are often very quiet and patient with small animals. Durbarmen are usually social dogs that enjoy the companion of other animals and are often seen sharing peacefully with their crooked companions. Their defensive instincts confirm that they will look for their families with any cats that can live in the family.



Rotwellers are a breed that is often considered aggressive because of their size and energy, but in reality they can be incredibly gentle and patient with cats. These dogs are known for their calm behavior and their family members. Rotwellers are usually very tolerant of other pets, including cats, and they are very defensive and affectionate. Their laid-back and steady disposition makes them great companion for their multi-dressed families, they ensure that they have joined with their crooked friends.

The gentle giants who don’t chase cats


Many people are surprised to find out how big dog varieties can be around cats. Despite their stressful size and protective nature, these dogs are often loving, patient and amazingly tolerant of small animals. Their skills to coexist with crooked companions make them great choice for families both a big dog and a cat-friend house. With proper training and patience, big dogs can become the perfect companion for cats, that size does not always mean aggression – sometimes, the biggest dog has the most soft heart.

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