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11 Smile ways dogs try to get out of trouble


Dogs are fascinating masters, but they are also professional problems. It is a way to chew your favorite shoes, scatter on the garbage or steal food directly from the counter. However, the real joke happens when they realize that they are caught. Instead of admitting defeat, dogs deploy a variety of smiling techniques to dodge the consequences, everyone is more ridiculous than the end. “Disappearance” suddenly in the case of exaggerated guilt, knows exactly how they can be fed to forgive their people.

Suddenly and conveniently reduced memory loss


The moment you say, “Who did it?!” Your dog suddenly forgets what they have learned. Their name? Never heard of it. Basic obedience? Don’t play a bell. Five minutes ago, they were sprinkling a roll of toilet paper as it was the mission of their life? Has been completely removed from their memories. They look empty and look at you so that you just ask them to solve an advanced calculus problem. Meanwhile, the evidence-cheek-up shoes, tipped-over trash cans, mysteriously empty dinner plate-ok, but not. Total Amnesia.

Classic “If I can’t see you, you can’t see me”


The dog has an interesting relationship with visibility. Many believe that if they only hide their face, the rest of the body of their body disappears magically. You will catch their medium-mixing and suddenly, their head will be buried under a couch cushion behind a screen, or will be conveniently tuck in their Panja. The best part? They kept the rest of their body fully exposed so that their 80 pound frame disappeared. Sorry, friend, however we still see you – and the cut couch cushion that has destroyed you “no”.

Over-the top criminal show


Some dogs, when caught in acting, go to the entire drama mode. They will move in such a way that they are in a tragic silent picture, cast the sadie, look at you on the side as they have been accused of just being charged with a crime. Some even let the deep, tragic longing breathe so that they are the real victims in this situation. The moment the moment you start to threaten them, they melt on a hips of regret, slowly falling on the floor as their feet leave their lives. This is a drama masterpiece designed to feel very guilty of you to be mad.



When a angry man is confronted, some dogs take a bold view: nothing works that has happened. If you face them about this mess they can suddenly become very excited about a toy that they haven’t touched in a few months. “Oh wow, have you seen this quick duck? Play now! Forget about that chewing-up slipper behind me! “It is equivalent to kinnin in the middle-logging of the subject. And really? Sometimes it works. Who can prevent a dog by offering a Slobberi toy as a peace deal?

Mysterious mesh lymph


Some dogs have a flair for theatricality and suddenly when they realize that they are in trouble, they will develop a mysterious injury. One second, they were zooming like the Olympic Sprinter; The latter, as they are lumping, just as they have just completed the editorode in flip-flops. This step is especially effective because it forgets about what you have done wrong and transfer the conversation to the conversation, “Oh no, are you okay ?!” Of course, the lump miraculously disappears at the moments involved in the food. Classic.



If there are other pets in the room you better believe that your dog will pin the crime on them. If the other pet was asleep at the time of the event – your dog will still look at them, “Can you believe what they did?” The betrayal is real. And if there is no other pet? Your dog can only see them behind them as if a ghost dog must have committed a crime. This is a tough technique – if you just didn’t know the guilty face of your dog so good.

Tail wag


Some dogs think that if they simply shake their tail enough with enthusiasm, you will forget why you were mad at the first place. The moment they feel disturbing, their tail begins to be wild-the cable is not a little wag, but full body, enthusiast, “Hi, I’m the best dog now, please don’t scream” mode. And the truth? It’s hard to be mad when they look happy. The perfect optimism behind this technique makes it so effective. They know that they have made ribs, but they are Therefore Confident they can attract the way out of it. And, well … they are usually correct.


Some dogs, at the moment they realize that they are in trouble, roll their backs in the air as they have just been arrested. They know that stomach rubs are your cryptonite and they are not afraid to use this knowledge against you. This technique is so powerful that many dogs deploy it predicted – sometimes they do not wait for them to scream. The second they have seen you have seen that you look at the gaze that they have done, in the position of the boom-pet. Who should apologize when you can be adorable?

Tactical way


Some dogs believe in the energy of the journey quickly. At that moment they hear your “angry voice” DisappearThe One second, they stand beside the cut paper pile; Next, they are nowhere to be found. You will hear the suspicious garbage inside the bed, behind the couch or inside a laundry basket because they are trying to wait for your anger in the top-fascinating dorm. Sometimes, they count them wrongly to escape and get stuck in the bottom half of a chair, leaving their fluffy butt out like a guilt.

Suddenly the best behavior act


Once your dog realizes the problem is being created, they can suddenly be transformed into the world’s most obedient dog. They will sit without asking, will give you their punjas, and even throw you a few unnecessary techniques for butter up. “Look, I can spin! I can lie down! I’m the best dog, please don’t be mad at me! “They are hoping that by acting extra good, you will only forget their bad deeds. And really? Sometimes it works.

Suddenly and urgent need for affection


Some dogs, when they realize that they are in trouble, have suddenly become the most essential creature on the planet. They will fall on your lap, like a goat on a hill, or start to lick your face as they are trying to wipe out your anger with slower. They will press their whole body against you, the tail is shaking as if he says, “Hey, let’s not concentrate on the broken vase – instead the focus is the focus of the focus on how much I love you!” This is a bold technique because it forces you to be crazy or to accept their love’s an irrelevant display. And the truth? Who can prevent a dog that they just realized that you are the most important person in the universe? Well, the dog wins you. Again

Final hassle

Mid -journey

When the problem comes out, the dogs sprinkle small talent. Believe me in a way they can behave in the way they don’t understand why you are upset – they know. And instead of adopting the consequences, they use every technique of their Fary PlayBook to forgive them. It is duplicating an injury, blaming the cat, or simply so beautiful that you can’t stay mad, dogs have perfect the art of avoiding problems. And, let’s become real, no matter what they do … we always forgive them.

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