Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
In a delightful story of love and survival, a stray dog who fights for his four puppies also took some stray cats. The dog had been walking around for quite some time, and his thin appearance was a proof of the problem he faced. However, the determination of his view to protect and care for his unique family is truly inspired.
A kind woman feeding the mother of a stray dog slowly formed a relationship with her. Over time, the mother dog began to trust the woman more, and often took initiative to see her. One day, the woman decided to follow the dog and discovered that she had built her home in an old iron barrel. It was then that the woman realized that something was wrong – there was a small kitten in dog kids.
Despite the thin frame of the mother dog, her puppies and kittens were healthy and everyone was incredibly beautiful. The woman also saw the cat nursing the cat in her kids! It is not clear how the mother dog crossed the kitchen, but it was clear that the care he provided helped to survive the little bit. The woman, who decided to move in the dog’s love for her unique family, decided to take action.
The woman brought a cardboard box and took the whole family to shelter. This strange family combination was now safe and no longer wandered the street. The puppies in the shelter were greatly asleep and it was clear that the mother preferred the kitchen as the dog liked her own puppies.
Thanks to the mother and woman of the stray dog, this unique family has been given a chance in a new life. The mother of the dog forces the weak little stray cat and the love of the rescue to save these stray animals is a proof of the power of compassion and the bond that can create between human and organisms.