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9 ways your dog shows that they love you more than someone else


The dogs may not be able to say “I love you” with words but they have unique ways to show how much you mean to them. Their love appears in the most meaningful gestures, yet the pure, unconditional and often the smallest. Dogs can express their devotion from how they greet you at the calm moments of their adventure. If you have ever thought that your dog has a favorite person, pay attention to these marks – they are just telling you that you are their whole world.

They follow you everywhere


Have you ever noticed how your dog seems to be your small shade? You are walking in the kitchen, going to the bathroom or just going from one house to another, they are always behind you. This behavior is a way to show their confidence and devotion. Dogs naturally want to be close to the person who likes them the most; If that person you are you will not get you away from their sight. This is the way to tell them, “Where do you go, I go,” proves that you are their dear people.


Dogs in the world, prolonged eye contact shows trust and affection. If your dog is looking at your eyes with a soft, loving expression that means they are deeply connected to you. Studies have even shown that when dogs and their owners look at each other, both feel the growth of oxytocin, “profit hormone”. It is the same hormone that strengthens the bond between the mother and their kids. So, the next time your dog will keep an eye on you, know them this is the silent way to tell them, “You are my person.”

They sleep near you


The dogs are inherently protective while sleeping, so they carefully choose their spot. If your dog prefers to sleep on you – it snatches on your bed, on your leg or by your side – this is a symptom that they feel completely safe in your presence. This is the way to show their love and trust. Sleeping near their beloved human beings provides their feelings of comfort, protection and inclusion. In their view, you are their family, and there is no better place to rest than they like the most.

They bring you their favorite toys


The dogs nurture their toys and when they bring one to you, it’s not just a random work – this is a symptom of affection. Whether it’s Slobberry Tennis Ball, a good-like stuffed animal, or chewing-up skyy toys, giving you their favorite possession of their beliefs and love is the way to show you their faith and love. They see you as part of their pack and want to share their happiness with you. It is no longer greater praise than sharing their most valuable property in their world as a small dog’s love offer.

They’re risky on you


When your dog is risking against you, it is not just looking tired or looking for support – this is a sign of deep faith and love. Dogs are leaning on with whom they feel safe, their body weight uses as a form of connection. This is the way to tell them, “I feel safe with you.” This general law speaks volume about the bonds you shared. It is also an innate behavior that dogs are also combined for warmth and protection. So, if your dog ever leaning towards you know that this is a quiet way to tell them, “I love you.”

When you come home they are excited


One of the most obvious signs of dog love is their excitement when you return home. If they are making their tail so tight, their whole body moves, jumps to greet you, or even a happy little dance, their response clearly indicates their deep affection. In contrast to humans, who can greet each other with casual “hey”, the dogs go out when their loved ones walk through the door. How long have you gone – five minutes or five hours – your return is always highlighting their day.

They check you


Even when they are busy with their own activities – a toy, napping or lunging in another room – your dog will still test you. They will get up, walk around, give you a quick look, and then what they are doing will come back. This behavior is a subtle but strong signs of love. This means they want to make care of you and ensure you are safe. You can’t even notice that it happens, but your dog is always keeping the tab on you because in their eyes you are their earth.

They lick you with affection


Licking is the way to show the affection of the dog, similar to how they make each other the groom in the packs. When your dog licks your face, hands or legs, they express their love and strengthen their bond with you. This is also the way to tell them, “You are important to me.” Some dogs even lick their owners when they think they are sad, to comfort using this gentle gesture. Excess licking can sometimes be a symptom of anxiety, but here are a few loving leaks and ways to say your dog, “I like you.”

They listen to your words and follow your leadership


A dog that loves you really, will focus on you, respond to your voice and follow your guidance. They see you for the signal, listen when you speak and even guess your activities. The attention of this level comes from deep faith and affection. A dog that ignores commands or does not respond to their owner probably couldn’t create the same strong connection. But if your dog listens to you, follows you and seem to me with your emotions, it is a clear symptom that their love for you goes deeply.

Love in the form of fur and slower

Mid -journey

Dogs do not buy love letters or flowers; Tells all of their verbs. The way they follow you, the way you are leaning towards you and walking through the door every time you wish to tell you with pure joy, “You are my dear person”. Their love is honest, steadfast and unconditional – something that even people cannot promise. If your dog does these things, think of yourself lucky. You have acquired a love that is covered in wool, sprinkling with the slower, and distributed with a shaking tail.

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